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The Aging Population
Jeanine O’Kane, head of the North American healthcare practice at MSLGroup believes “There is a massive wave of aging across the globe that’s been coined the ‘Silver Tsunami.” The global over-65 population is projected to triple to more than 1.5 billion in 2050, and “the aging population’s desire for independence is driving the shift from hospital care to home healthcare.” The need to develop technologies that match the lifestyles of this population will be driven portability and will see the medical device sector largely benefit from this trend.
Localisation and Personalisation
The flow on effect of this change in demographics means that technology is creating a new opportunity. Olga Fleming, managing director of the New York healthcare practice at Cohn & Wolfe say that “Products based on high science and targeted to very specific patient populations beyond North America and Europe will be a catalyst for more sophisticated communications”. Strategic implications suggests that healthcare communication will need to be more dynamic in their response as an increase in spending will be needed in maximising communications channels across digital and social media. Furthermore, campaigns will need to be aligning PR activity with the marketing mix of medical education and advertising.
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