Message & Matrix – A Love Story

For Valentine’s day this year, we decided to throw back to an old comic we once used to capture the importance of our Message Matrix. It’s a love story celebrating the bond between a message, and perfectly aligned purpose, vision and desired success.

Key messages are one part of having the right foundations in place. You also need to have the right platforms that bring together your purpose, vision and desired success. Together they form your communications foundations. Without them, you could wind up communicating aimlessly without a clear direction.

When you have the right message and have a clear vision and purpose, they work hand-in-hand as part of your overall communications strategy.

Your messages don’t need to be complex; they need to be easily remembered and answer the question: What’s in it for your target audience? Keep them simple and focused and you’ll achieve your desired success.

Your messages may change over time, as will the platforms you use. Keep your eye on the goal by ensuring key elements such as purpose, vision and desired success remain in place. This will ensure your communications strategy will not lose direction and your clients and customers will never fall out of love with your business.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the team at Pesel & Carr!

About MessageMatrix:

MessageMatrix is Pesel & Carr’s proprietary tool that establishes communications foundations in support of your business strategy and aligns your mission and vision. To nail your communications contact Barbara Pesel on or 03 9036 6900.