Instagram: the new Polaroid?

Image from Unsplash


Yesterday PR Daily published an excellent guide for brands on how to use Instagram effectively. Instagram, a photo sharing application, is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, with users totalling 40 million last month.

The easiest way to use Instagram is via an iPhone, iPad or Android, meaning users are taking photos on the go. After taking a photo, users are able to insert graphics, write a comment and give it a hashtag. In essence, it is the web’s version of a Polaroid.

When users upload their photo, they can share it with not only their followers on Instagram, but can also link it to Twitter and show their friends on Facebook. The latter organisation made a much-publicised purchase of the application last month for $1 billion.

The application is not a place to push a product, rather, it allows brands to show their personality. Popularity on the site and gaining a following means brands need strong imagery. You can read here which organisations and individuals are using Instagram effectively and how they are going about it.

As users apply a hashtag to their photos, brands can monitor what is being said about their product and engage with users through comments. Brands can also promote the use of a custom hashtag to encourage interaction with the brand.

Instagram is a great tool to help strengthen your lifestyle brand and show some personality through engaging images.