Are you a social media addict?

Image from Unsplash


Did you know that more than 350 million users suffer from ‘Facebook Addiction Syndrome’?

PR Daily recently posted a great article titled ’52 cool facts and stats about social media’, which covers the big players like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube as well as the more recent additions Instagram and Pinterest and general blogging and mobile web platforms.

Here are some of our favourites from the article:

  • 750 tweets are shared per second on Twitter
  • Twitter handles more search queries per month than Bing and Yahoo combined
  • YouTube was founded to share dinner clips of a party due to the files being too large for email
  • The most watched video is Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’ with 470 million views
  • More than 5 million images are uploaded to Instagram every day

Check it out at PR Daily’s website.