5 tips to ensure design and words work hand in hand

Traditionally, graphic design and communications are studied at University as separate disciplines, however Pesel & Carr intern Bronte Hamilton is studying both as part of a Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Visual Communication at Swinburne University.

In this post, she provides her top five tips on how to make sure design and words work hand in hand.

1. Clear communication: This goes without saying. Both in the design and business industries, being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly makes the job easier and more efficient


2. Goals: What does the organisation want to achieve through its communications; both through words and visuals? What is the key message that the organisation wants to get across to the selected audience? Is it clear? Do the words work with the design and say the same thing?


3. Keep it simple: Don’t over complicate things if you don’t have to. Short, straight to the point and catchy is the way to go. You want to have a key message that will stick in people’s heads!



4. Be authentic: Does the logo/graphic design/brand work for the organisation and make sense for the organisation? If the answer is no, then change it. There is no point trying to associate something with the organisation if it doesn’t work, or trying to make the organisation look like something it is not.


5. Space speaks: It’s not only the words and images which communicate – white space also speaks volumes, by helping imagery and text to ‘pop’.