Staying Cyber Safe

In collaboration with leading independent Australian law firm Gadens, we developed a piece designed to inform you how to approach the heightened cyber security risks that COVID-19 has afforded. Six key steps break down the neccesary areas you need to be aware of.


Final word from our Culture Manager

As the days become shorter and the snooze button, harder to resist, I cannot help but reflect on each of the seasonal chapters of the year, and what they mean to me.

If someone were to ask me what my favourite season is, I would not hesitate to say autumn.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love the summer months. They pose an opportunity to go for a swim at the beach, sip a cold beer of a light evening (yes – this is a thing) and allow me to flaunt my summer fashion range.

However, every year I get a little extra excited about autumn.

Let’s face it, I don’t need any excuse to wrap under a soft blanket and bring out the fairy lights! Autumn not only gives my park new places to explore, it also gives me a reason to chat to Barbara about something non COVID-19 related, such as the fact that leaves are actually always autumn coloured, they just choose to hide it for nine months of the year.

I am sure many of my readers will agree there is a sense of romance when strolling through a park in autumn, and this is reflected in our digital worlds. According to seasonal patterns of relationships in Facebook profiles, autumn is the time when more singles change their status to “In a Relationship” or “Engaged”.

Like most animals, I will be busy preparing for winter by eating more snacks this week, but I will make sure I take the time to stop and smell the last of the falling leaves and, to keep my eye off my phone. There is every chance my Princess Poodle will be running through the last piles of leaves nearby…