Podcasting for Niche Audiences
Explore specialised podcasting with content experts. Come away with an understanding of how to create engaging content that captivates and expands a specific audience in corporate and government contexts. Course Description: In 2023, Australian podcast listenership was the highest ever recorded. This course reveals the ways that podcasts excel in delivering tailored content for specific […]
How to Write for Social Media: The Basics
Master the essentials of social media writing, creating compelling content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement. Course Description: Join us for a half-day course exploring the basics of social media writing. Learn how to craft posts that grab attention, spark engagement, and dive into platform-specific tips. Discover the importance of keywords and the […]
Dealing with Toxic Behaviour and Trolls: The Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t be unprepared for a negative comment on your social media. Explore impactful methods to handle moderation effectively, ensuring the credibility and integrity of your business or brand remain intact. Course Description: If you manage a social media page, the arrival of a negative comment is not not a matter of if but when. This […]